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tv   Greta Van Susteren  FOX News  December 24, 2010 1:00am-2:00am EST

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successors to sustain the special relationship based on common values, shared language and enduring belief that freedom will triumph over tyranny. >> they could trust each other. they built personal bonds early on. that's -- that after 9/11 was cemented and took them a long way. >> history will look back and state relationship with tony blair and george bush was a relationship based upon mutual trust and a shared vision. >> sean: that is all the time we have left. thank you for being with us. thank you for being with us. i hope you have a great night! captioned by closed captioning services, inc. >> greta: in is raw but also inspiring. tonight, you are going to see the two extreme sides of haiti. the raw and inspiring.
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with governor sarah palin and reverend franklin graham, you will devastation and death, but you will also see the extraordinary lifesaving work of people in reverand graham's aid gram samaritan's purse bringing home to a country that desperately needs it. one producer went on the trip together we shot all the footage you are about to the only other cameras were with reverand graham. this is a story for the christmas season. by the end of this hour, you will want to help too. sarah palin, her husband todd and daughter bristol will be with you on your trip every step of the way. we are on the flight en route to haiti, where the cholera outbreak is unbelievable. more than 2,000 people have died since mid october. samaritan's purse is on the ground there. reverand graham, his daughter, governor palin, her family and we are going to take a look
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around. i suspect it is more shocking and stunning than even we can imagine. we have a briefing book. it is so graphic. when you read these stories about how these people are suffering. it doesn't take a lot to prevent cholera or cure someone who suffers from cholera. but it is going to be breathtakingly stunning. we are big our cameras so the american people get a better glimpse of what is going on. this is different from my first trip to haiti in january with secretary of state clinton, a short time after the earthquake struck. last time the media had to sleep on the tarmac it was too dangerous to leave the area military planes were coming in and out with supplies. having said that the country is still suffering from devastation. the cholera epidemic which has claimed more than 2,000 lives and thought to grossly under state the total number of people who have died from
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coll the buildings are still crushed. people still displaced, living in camps, sanitation huge issue, health. they don't get to the question of whether there is opportunity for haiti, because the people are at this point, trying to survive. samaritan's purse and other organizations are on the ground trying to do the best we can. contributions by americans are much appreciated by these people. these people are just on the edge. many of them are just about to die because they have horrible disease and no hope. but, with hope from different o like samaritan purse and others, things could turn around. but it is going to take a lot of work. this country is in deep, deep, deep trouble. we just got here, already we've seen a lot -- [ inaudible ] >> natural disasters, cholera outbreak it lets us see opportunity to help and send a message back to those who are
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more privileged materially to have opportunity to share with these who are hurting. >> greta: [ inaudible ] like the hurricane in january, there's a huge outpouring and a big rush. now we are almost one year later there has been progress. we've had violence in the streets. there's no government. a lot of the aid planned hasn't arrived. now the cholera outbreak. it is somewhat disappointing. >> a lot of the aid that was planned ended up not where it should be on the front leans where helping people, unfortunately. but, what we are -- on the -- what we are seeing now people committed to the cause still here, still helping. the word out there is there is still dire need here in haiti they want that assistance via material, people, resources money to help them complete
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the mission restoration of this most beautiful area of the globe. >> president obama asked presidents bush and clinton to be his representatives here. president clinton wanted to come down, a couple days ago, it is so dangerous down here, he has secret service, and secret service and i assume the united states government said no. >> that's unfortunate, of course that someone of his stature can't be right here to help send that message to the rest of the world that there still is a lot of help that is needed. we are driving around and seeing the armed guards out of the corner of our eye as we pass by that's an illustration of the turmoil, the political unrest that is here. >> it looks like kabul, afghanistan the little i've seen of that. looks like a war has been through here or is ongoing.
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>> that's natural disaster and the political unrest combined. there's elements that have combined to create this perfect storm of a lot of -- again, resulting in dire need in haiti. a lot of people who are more privileged and have more that are able to share, if they can see this, hear the stores, i think heart strings of americans and others can be tugged and assistance can be provided. >> greta: we are going on to a cholera clinic. >> hi! >> greta: a number of haitian children. >> beautiful, beautiful chirp. and they are looking around for, i think for some little bit of compassion that the rest of us can provide. >> greta: quite sobering. >> puts things in perspective,
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reminds us as americans those who have so much were put on this earth to reach out and help those who are less fortunate. >> governor, when we started building these things, they kept having this discussion, how do you build 'em? i told the guys get me some stick wood, done cut it go inside our warehouse and build me a 12 x 12, let's quit talking, let's build one. the guys went and built one. they said come look, we came and looked and said okay let's make some changes here and there. what you've got is you've got room over here for most houses room over here for most houses put eight kids on the wall, get them little matresses. the couple have their bed. they can use these for kids or
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to store stuff. the problem is water. you've got water we it rains everywhere. you can use any of it because it is con tam mated. -- contaminated. we put a metal roof and gutter and give them these rain barrels here. what you do is, you run the spout in here and we designed this on the outside but they are so valuable people put them inside. >> greta: another cholera clinic supported by spartan's purse and many contributions from others around the world also by the many hard workers. we learned they from denver, all states around the country trying to help. you see cholera prevention treatment center, u.s. aid from the american people that's you all the american people. if you think your money doesn't make a difference, it does. take a look this is the
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pediatric unit. children all overcoming here would die within hours if they didn't get fluids. governor palin is meeting a couple of the children. the children come in here literally hours from death and with hard work, by all these volunteers from samaritan's purse from around the world and your u.s. aid you are saving lives this is a desperate situation. the cholera epidemic, many people think has been grossly under stated that is a graver problem here in haiti than has been stated. bottom line is, people here, if nothing else are working hard to save lives. >> hi little sweet love. >> she came in with cholera. we actually think the malnourishment is the bigger problem. they look like six week olds. the cholera they beat quickly. we are keeping them so we can
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feed them as much as we can. >> hi beautiful baby. >> what is the condition of the other children? malnutrition dogging these babies. >> some come in and they are healthy and some come in and they are not. >> greta: have you seen these lidges? >> i'm not sure if they have any other siblings. i've seen the rest of the family they look health them with the mom dying in childbirth, it is hard i think to get your hands-on a lot of formula here. there's not any programs handing it out and it is expensive. that's where you see the gap especially with the infants. >> is there any kind of out reach program where there is availability of personnel to go out there and check on siblings to see if they are malnurished as the ones who end up here?
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>> no. that's just another program we are not able to -- governor there's so many needs in this country. you have to focus on what you can do. and then try to do that well. if you try to take care of every need, you would end up getting spread so thin you wouldn't do any. right now we focused on shelter after the earthquake. now we are focusing everything on cholera. >> greta: coming up, you just saw haiti on the ground. to fully understand the devastation, you need to see it from the air. in minutes, you take a helicopter ride with governor sarah palin and reverend franklin graham high above parts of haiti that are still flattened. first, it is not all death and misery. next the inspiring and good work being done by reverend graham and samaritan's purse. witness the joy on the faces of children given a christmas they will never forget. ♪
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>> greta: this is where a number of women are cleaning their clothes. i can't emphasize enough how serious the water problem is in haiti for cholera. you can imagine how we see them washing clothes that are dirty in the water. we see people drinking this water. they are working hard to get their clothes clean but this is not an ideal situation. they wash their feet, they take baths, they wash their clothes, the children here don't wear diapers which adds to the problem because a lot of the cholera is from situations where the bacteria from being passed around through the water. but this is a country in great need. so vastly different from what
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it could be. it is a beautiful country. haiti could be beautiful, prosperous. but it has terrible unrest, terrible violence and now this cholera epidemic. haiti is by far the poorest country in the western hemisphere slammed by an earthquake poisoned by a cholera epidemic and political turmoil has made things worse. you are about to see more of the important work done by reverend graham to give children in need a christmas they will never forget. [ speaking french ] >> things a little joyful here in part of haiti we are at a baptist church. a christmas celebration, children are getting christmas gifts. samaritan purse makes eight million gifts to go to 110 countries around the world here are some of the lucky
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children who will have christmas despite of the disease and being homeless and displaced there are a lot of happy kids who will get a present here, so some joy. look at these kids laugh, look at 'em, they are having a blast! can you explain where we are and what is going on here? >> we are at the baptist church we are going to be distributing two box gifts. charlotte, north carolina and this is the end product where we take 'em. >> greta: in spite of the incredible devastation the kids are having a blast. >> a lot of kids they lost their parents and lost their homes, i want them to know that we love them. that a lot of people around the world hasn't forgotten but more importantly god loves them and he has not forgotten
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them. >> greta: we all can make a difference and we don't have to go out of our way. >> that is right and they have such a sweet spirit, it is inspiring. >> greta: all right let's go hear them sing. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> greta: what they don't know is that all these boxes in front of me right here are filled with gifted from samaritan's purse for christmas. these kids are about to get the thrill of their life all courtesy of people -- of many people around the country contributing and helping samaritan's purse make this christmas responsible for all these kids and literally, kids around the world. get ready to watch this, this is fun. ♪ ♪
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♪ >> greta: >> it's universal. they all want presents. it's so sweet. ♪ >> greta: are you having fun? has anyone refused one? >> no. >> greta: >> are you having fun? anyone refuse a gift? >> no. these kids it is the first time they've had a gift. they don't know how to respond. some just sat there and didn't know what to do.
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it just breaks your heart. at the same time it thrills your heart to know there are so many people behind this program that have prayed, worked, given. >> i want the people who participate in the program from coast-to-coast, united states to take a little time to know it was so well worth it. these kids had a blast. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> greta: next, you take a helicopter ride high above haiti with reverend graham and governor palin to understand the devastation you need to see it from the air. you will, next. plus, does governor palin agree with some american politicians who think united states should cut off aid to haiti? she will tell you herself, minutes away. i'd like one of those desserts and some coffee.
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>> greta: on the record takes you high above haiti for an aerial look at some of the hardest hit areas in the country. >> beautiful country but also beautiful people here. it is just unfortunate that they have had the kind -- cholera, -- [ inaudible ] the united nations brought it in. >> cholera was recently imported? >> they think it was the u.n. contingent. nepal's soldiers. >> it spread like wildfire. >> the entire country. you are talking about close to
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600,000 infections is what they are estimating. >> greta: where are we headed now? >> we are coming on the westside of the port-au-prince. the city -- the runway is just off about 10:00. you can see the open green area. we are coming off of the port area on the westside of the port-au-prince. >> this is what we saul cite soleil. one huge slum. -- this is what we call cite soleil in here. it is one huge slum. >> see our lumber 10:00 that blue. >> that's your lumber? >> all of this of that is ours. the next is the main port you can see the containers coming up. those are all in the water. so the main port is this next
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area. the runway is back there towards your left. 7:00 out there. >> greta: [ inaudible ] >> the problem is not getting it in, it is once you get it here is customs. >> greta: why won't they let it in? >> they want a bribe. >> what about food shipment? >> same thing, medicine, same thing. >> that's inhumane. >> greta: how much are these bribes? what are they asking for? >> tens of thousands of dollars. the rebels on the governor's side. point out to her what we are looking at. >> the epicenter of the quake as a little to our right but port-au-prince got hammered very strong. see how all of it is stacked on top of each other.
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it is unsupport able. that's the stadium where you will be. >> that's where i'll be preaching in january. >> the rubble, you see [ inaudible ] there's just everywhere. >> greta: people aren't still living in these buildings? >> not many but the shanties people putting something along side their house so they can keep it. >> greta: the hotel? >> that was the montana. >> greta: what about security after dark? >> it is not very good. >> greta: what does not very good mean? >> the police hide. when the riots starred this past week u.n. and the police kind of hid this is downtown right here. it looks terrible. nothing has been done. nothing but rubble.
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you can't tell that anything has been done. there's the palace right there. >> greta: next to the palace all these blue tarps are these displaced people? >> yeah. this is the middle of the city. look at all the displaced people. >> most of these blue tarps are ours. >> yes. >> you will see sphar tan's purse on them. -- samaritan's purse on them. >> i think the archbishop was killed. >> yes. >> down below us to the right, look at that mass of humanity down there. >> oh my goodness. >> market. >> look at the streets in front of us. piles and piles, there it is
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that's the church there. >> oh yeah. >> greta: next, governor palin goes on the record about the devastation you just saw. does she think the united states should keep giving aid to haiti? you will out that and much more, next. then the inside story on the election in haiti that created international controversy. was it rigged? is corruption destroying what is left of this country? stay tuned. you might also want to try lifting one of these. a unique sea salt added to over 40 campbell's condensed soups. helps us reduce sodium, but not flavor. so do a few lifts. campbell's.® it's amazing what soup can do.™
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>> greta: what did the governor think after seeing the devastation? what does she say about some u.s. politicians who want to reduce aid to the country? the governor on the record at port-au-prince airport. we are inside the terminal. i told you we were here with secretary of state clinton in january. we slept on the tarmac in areas like this, you can see how they've built in newer section, i guess. the airport is still in horrible disarray. >> it is still trashed. there's still major damage. there's more -- franklin
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graham said there is morris per square inch in haiti than any other else. such a condensed area of tragedy. >> greta: when we were first here after the quake we couldn't leave at night because of the danger. the media, we slept -- the media slept on the tarmac. [ unintelligible ] it still didn't look better a year later. >> no. and there's so much danger and damage. when it comes to the danger and need for security, it is not the haitian government that is going to be able to fix the problems. these problems like insurmountable. it is going to take humanitarian aid, generosity of charitable organizations to get in here and help clean it up while the corruption in the government is being dealt with. >> greta: tell me, what do you think of the fly-over of the destruction? >> it was overwhelming. i had no idea it looked like
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that. television didn't do it justice. these pictures that we see of the devastation, there are hundreds of thousands of people who are living in the street. they are living under tents, tarps provided by samaritan's purse for the most part. they live in unsanitary conditions. kids aren't going to school. people aren't working. it is total devastation in that downtown area. >> greta: it looks beautiful out here. it sure looks different. look at the cracks in the road. >> it looks beautiful out here. but it looks different where the people are, living in those conditions. unless something drastically changes there will continue to be many, many lives lost unnecessarily in the unsanitary and unsafe conditions. >> greta: look up there, put the camera on the second floor. >> is there any effort to fix
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this? it doesn't look like there is effort to rebuild. >> greta: you have to have an infrastructure, a government. >> and an economy. the hope here, people want to work. they want to be able to contribute to rebuilding this country. not having the opportunity because of what government is doing with corruption within the government. with contracts that are met where no knows where the money ends up but it is not getting to the people and the infrastructure that needs fixing. >> greta: it almost looks normal, people having jobs. you go out and people living in displaced tents, no sanitation system or at least it didn't appear to be. no jobs, no future, no help, cholera. a few inches before -- beyond this airport, a little bit normal here. >> this is a hop, skip and judgment from the united states of america. from what -- hop, skip and a
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jump from the united states of america. i'm not saying our government should come in and fix the problem. but the people of america can contribute to help rebuild haiti. >> greta: governor, what do you think about senator leahy says america should stop sending money until we get things sorted out? >> coming from a senator who has voted for bloated budgets where priorities have been skewed. where dollars go to build like in tallahassee, a turtle tunnel to save the turtles in florida. to go to the california academy of science, millions to study ants in east africa. yet, there's the desire on his part to pull aid that could help save a baby's life here in haiti? i don't agree with his assessment of the situation. instead, i would like to see, throw i don't rely on government to solve the problems, i would like to see a message isn't from the u.s.
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government that haiti does need help and char right able organizations, faith-based community those with the means to voluntarily help and assist in a country like this it didn't have to be just be government. but i disagree with where his priorities would be if he thinks aid to save a baby's life should be pulled and u.s. tax dollars sent elsewhere that i think are from and useless. >> greta: -- i think are frivolous and useless. >> greta: if you come and take a look it may change your minor reinforce your position. >> things are put in perspective and you have context in terms of what you would and would not support in spending other people's money if you are on the ground looking at the conditions. >> greta: next, a man who knows, gives you the real story on the political corruption in haiti. was the latest election rigged is the government in haiti making a terrible situation worse? stay right here to fan out.
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>> meet a man fighting to survive in a camp after his home was destroyed one year ago. you are going where few people ever go. ! " # $ / 0 i
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>> from america's news headquarters,new threats being issued in the crisis on the korean peninsula. the north of saying it will wage a screed nuclear war, as the
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south korean army stages live fire exercises 20 miles between the border of the two koreas. south korea's president is threat nickap retaliation. last weekend, four people were killed. broadway spider-man flying high on thursday after a frightening accident. a stuntman was seriously injured in a fall. two performances were quickly cancelled. new york's labor department ordering new safety measures. it was the show's fourth accident. the show cost $65 million to produce. the official opening is now set for early february. for all of your business news, tune in to the fox business network, giving you the power to prosterper. the power to prosper. >> greta: here is the inside of the morgue. you might want to avert your eyes.
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the body is wrapped, if you want to see the reality in haiti the cholera, here it is. this is a 30-year-old man who did not need to die, he cholera, came into samaritan's purse late. he was very sick when he came in. only 30-years-old, they tried to safe his life, they didn't safe his -- save his life. for health reasons the body is disposed properly so it doesn't contaminate more people it is double bagged. it will be picked up by the health department and then disposed of. samaritan's purse is hopeful how they dispose of it will be done in such a way that the contaminants don't leech back into the soil they are trying to contain cholera, not spread it more this is one of the cold, stark realities of cholera. remember this is a problem that can be cured. simply need fluids. this man didn't get it, pause this country is so -- in such
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disarray and now here's an example. you have seen firsthand the devastation in haiti. why would a man who served more than two decades in the u.s. army choose to live there? nice to see you. >> nice to see you welcome to haiti. >> greta: you live here? >> i just retired with the u.s. army. >> greta: how long? >> 25 years. >> greta: what did you do? >> quarter master officer. i served in iraq i spent 15 months in iraq and returned to fort gordon, retired and i've been here since august of 2008. >> greta: why did you come back? >> because i have a call from the lord to come back and serve. >> greta: how old were you when you left haiti? >> i was 17. >> greta: welcome home, sort of. >> a lot of work to be done. >> greta: this is a displaced person's camp? >> yes. we have approximately 1.3
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million people after the earthquake they are living in conditions similar to this across port-au-prince. >> greta: it looks deplorable. i take it that the great efforts are made to keep it clean and hygiene and sanitary but it doesn't look easy. >> it is very challenging. the people right now, they are depending on themselves and ngo's to help them with primarily with the cholera problems. sanitary condition is really very, very deplorable here. >> greta: what is the story with your government? you are having an election season? >> yes. the people of haiti right now we are trying to choose our next president. we are having some difficulties right now doing that. >> greta: why? >> because of corruption in the electoral process, the people believe that the choice
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they have made is not being respected. they are protesting. we are protesting because they believe their voice is not being heard. not being respected. the way they normally do it in haiti. the same thing that is happening now is what they've done previously for the current president. 49% according to haitian constitution you needed 50% plus one, he didn't have it and the peep went to the street they said i want preval. now they are doing the same thing to get a popular musician elected. they are not very happy with the result, with the process the electoral process they are taking to the street. >> greta: i was reading before i came here when the election was on, many people didn't have voter identification cards so they couldn't vote. a lot of it is because of displaced persons. there's such disarray in this voting process. >> it is bad. personally, i believe that
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when they set this election timeline it wasn't the right time, right after an earthquake. people don't have addresses, where they used to vote is not where they are going to vote. they don't know where they are going to vote. it is a problem throughout the process. this election when it took place should not had been scheduled. people needed time to rebuild their lives, establish a system so they could have a fair shake at electing the next leader that will take haiti to new heights. >> greta: how deep do you think the dis shun is? are we likely to have more trouble in the days to come? >> we believe the u.s. maroons will have to intervene. right now, what is happening is, they want to do a recount. but the two leading candidates don't want that recount. >> greta: who wants to do the recount? >> government, the council for the election they agreed with the international communities to do a recount of the ballots,
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because of fraud, because of things that have done wrong. the leading candidates now, two leading candidates the third within seems to be the favorite of the people they don't want the recount. if they don't want the recount and they don't want what was announced. then what do you have? chaos. >> greta: what is going to happen? >> i believe election should be cancelled. >> greta: do you think is going to happen? >> i really believe that is going to happen. get is going to happen as well? >> i believe it is going to be cancelled and should be. too much fraud. too many irregularitys. it ought to be cancelled -- irregularities. it ought to be cancelled. >> greta: next meet a man whose whom was flat ed. what does he say about his government? how does he want the united states to help? find out, next. [ snoring ]
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[ light snort ] [ male announcer ] cold symptoms tackled. quarterback sacked. vicks nyquil cold and flu. the nighttime, sniffling, sneezing, coughing, aching, fever, best sleep you ever got with a cold... medicine. ♪ [ male announcer ] you know her. we know diamonds. with 25% off our best selling jewelry, together we'll find the perfect gift, right down to the wire. that's why only zales is the diamond store.
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>> greta: you are about to meet a man whose home was flattened by the quake. ask him how long he has lived in this camp? >> almost one year. >> greta: what does he do all day long? >> there is -- [ inaudible ] >> there is nothing. the people have nowhere to live. >> greta: what did he do before he moved in here? >> he used to be a welder. now he has no money.
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he and a from they got together to lease a place in port-au-prince but the earthquake destroyed his house there. is nothing now. >> greta: -- there is nothing now. >> greta: what does he think of your government? >> he is hoping for change. >> greta: did he vote? >> he wanted to vote, his voting card was lost, so he couldn't vote. >> greta: but he wanted to vote? >> yes. >> greta: does he have family? >> yes. >> greta: wife, children? >> he has one child.
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>> greta: lives here? >> they have to send him back to the province because he has no home for him here. >> greta: what are his dreams, his expectations with the new government? >> we want change for all the people who are suffering. we don't have a place to stay. we have economic problems. we don't have enough money. >> greta: what does he think the united states could do to help? >> projects for the people, especially for those who don't have a place to stay those who are in misery. a lot of people are suffering. >> greta: how old is he? >> 33-years-old.
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>> it is painful greta, i'm going to share this with you. you are going to come back to haiti again to visit us, this country is going to be healed. haiti will be restored. >> greta: i hope it is. >> it is going to be restored. he says at night the thugs come to harrass them. >> greta: the thugs come in here? >> they come in here. they come in here to harrass them. >> greta: what do they do? >> he said they keep looking for him, put him in danger.
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because he has a little job, he has a little activity washing that water point and he get a little bit of money and the thugs are looking for him. >> greta: just for that? >> just for that. >> greta: how safe are the men and women inside? >> no security. >> he's one of the leaders in those temporary camps. they form committees to direct what is happening within the camp. he's one of the leaders in the camp. >> greta: what is security like? there's a group about 40 people that really watch for the bad guys from penetrating the camp. >> greta: is there trouble inside the camp any way? >> may not be this camp, but there are wide reports of
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rapes. this is why they formed that committee so young men can watch and make sure outsiders can come into the camp and commit crimes. >> greta: thank you, sir, thank you. merci. . we've showed you some raw stuff tonight and we salute all the hardworking americans who are helping to improve the desperate situation this haiti. if you want to help, there are things you can do. we encourage you to go to the website of reverand graham's aid group,, red we hope help. see the hidden potential of see the hidden potential of haiti and learn why the
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>> greta: this is a great tragedy. haiti. it is a gorgeous country. take a look at mountains, at the waves lapping up against the beach. why is this beautiful country the poorest country in our hemisphere? this country has been poor long before the earthquake that hit last january and the earthquake only exacerbated
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the great tragedy here in haiti. have you so-to-wonder why aren't their great resources used for tourism? why isn't there someone who came into the count skpri led? it's horrifying to go through streets of haiti. there is violence, there is virtually no government. there is ill lit -- illiteracy. you look around and say how did this happen? there is so much beauty. so much potential for this great country.
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